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Anxiety ▪ Depression ▪ Smoking Cessation ▪ Stress
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Traditional Chinese Medicine is very effective at treating problems of emotional health. Currently in the US, many patients are using acupuncture, herbal medicine, and homeopathic medicine to help combat stress, ease anxiety and help restore a sense of joy in their lives. It can help resolve not only emotional discomfort, but the physical symptoms surrounding it, such as insomnia, digestive upset, fatigue and chronic pain.
Acupuncture by itself is very calming and there are many ways in which it works to help relax the nervous system. If you are currently in some kind of therapy or counseling, acupuncture is a wonderful adjunct therapy to help support the work you are all ready doing with your therapist. Chinese herbs can be a helpful tool to naturally balance mood swings, sleeplessness and many other symptoms.
Whether you are suffering from depression, anxiety, panic attacks or even stress, you can use Chinese medicine to help not only relieve symptoms but permanently resolve your condition.
Most Americans are surprised to learn that acupuncture has been used in this country to treat addictions for over thirty years. In 1974, Lincoln Hospital, located in the South Bronx in New York City, began a substance abuse program to replace methadone treatment with acupuncture. Over the next ten years Dr. Michael Smith developed a simple yet effective acupuncture protocol that eliminated withdrawal symptoms and significantly decreased relapse rates. At first it was used solely on Methadone addicts, but then expanded in the treatment of all drug, alcohol and smoking addictions.
Based on the success of the Lincoln Hospital model, in 1985 the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA) was formed as a national non-profit organization. Its mission is to train health care workers in various settings to use the NADA protocol as part of any substance abuse program. Today, people across the United States receive detoxification acupuncture in hospitals, prison systems, through drug court alternative sentencing, alcohol and substance abuse counseling agencies and other private clinics. Anxiety
Anxiety and panic disorders are crippling problems. Symptoms can be as severe as a panic attack or as basic as an overall sense of feeling unsettled and anxious. Western treatments generally consist of drug therapies which are often extremely helpful but may have debilitating side effects. Chinese Medicine provides safe and effective ways to relieve anxiety with both immediate and long-lasting results.
The sympathetic nervous system is the part of our body that is responsible for the “fight or flight” response. Normal anxiety, stimulated by the sympathetic nervous system, has its root in fear and serves an important survival function. However, when anxiety occurs at inappropriate times, occurs frequently, or is so intense and long-lasting that it interferes with a person’s normal activities, it is an indication that the sympathetic nervous system is over-working.
From a Chinese medical perspective, acupuncture works to restore a calm and centered state of mind. Acupuncture points are inserted into specific locations in the body to help regulate the autonomic nervous system. When acupuncture needles are inserted into specific points, it has an immediate, regulatory effect on the nervous system. The parasympathetic nervous system, which has a counter-balancing effect on the sympathetic nervous system, is stimulated so that the heart rate slows down and the body and mind can begin to relax. Treatments are relaxing and in general, you should experience almost immediate relief of any acute symptoms.
The Center for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto performed a study on 18 adults with anxiety and insomnia. After 5 weeks of acupuncture treatments, the patients experienced a significant reduction in the severity of their anxiety.
Whether you are having panic attacks or experience general anxiety, over the course of regular treatment, symptoms will decrease in severity and frequency. How long or how often you will need to follow up depends on how long and how severely you experience anxiety. Once symptoms have been alleviated, monthly or quarterly treatments are helpful to maintain the balance.
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