Naturopathy, Wellness & Alternative Medicine

Mary Zhang, Chinese Medicine Clinic, Kansas City -- Mary Zhang, licensed acupuncturist and doctor of Chinese medicine, Kansas City Missouri, understands the importance of balance and harmony of the body, mind, and spirit. The founder of Chinese Medicine Clinic, Inc., she considers herself a life coach for patients. --  Specializing in Infertility and other Reproductive Wellness with Traditional Chinese Medicine.  Licensed acupuncturist, received her medical degree from the Chinese Medicine University, Liaoning, China. Over the past fifteen years, Mary has practiced Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in China, Germany and the United States in both hospital and clinic settings. She has taught classes and seminars in various hospitals and universities.

Healthy Choices, Positive Results


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History of Naturopathy

Complete Body Health Methodology


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What Is Naturopathy?


Naturopathy is a comprehensive system of natural medicine that has been applied throughout the world for hundreds of years. It is very effective, safe and gentle method of healing which works by stimulating the body’s natural ability to heal itself.  It views the illness as more spiritual in nature, similar to Traditional Chinese Medicine, advocating the idea that illness results from bodily imbalances.

A form of holistic medicine, naturopathy treats the whole person on mental, emotional and physical levels. It recognizes all symptoms of disease as disharmony within the person as a whole.  Naturopathy recognizes that it is the individual who needs treatment, not only the disease. For a cure to occur, an internal single remedy for the whole person is identified, rather than a several different remedies for each ailment.


Dr. Benedict Lust was the founder of naturopathy and the man who sustained
and popularized it. Lust had been exposed to a wide range
of practitioners and practices of natural healing arts.


Naturopathy Consultation

A naturopathic practitioner is a unique experience for someone accustomed to conventional medicine. The first task of the practitioner is to record all physical, mental, and emotional symptoms that will determine the patient’s remedy.

During the the consultation an individual will be asked to talk about their complaints, as well as the individual way in which they are experienced, one’s reactions to them and how they affect their life.


The naturopathic doctor views every disease as a mind-body process, where one’s personality traits are as important as their physical symptoms.


Fundamental to Naturopathy is the belief  and deep confidence in the ability of the body/mind
to heal itself given the opportunity. All true healing is the result of the whole organism’s inherent
and natural capacity, and it could be said "desire," to be as healthy as it can be