Naturopathy, Wellness & Alternative Medicine

Mary Zhang, Chinese Medicine Clinic, Kansas City -- Mary Zhang, licensed acupuncturist and doctor of Chinese medicine, Kansas City Missouri, understands the importance of balance and harmony of the body, mind, and spirit. The founder of Chinese Medicine Clinic, Inc., she considers herself a life coach for patients. --  Specializing in Infertility and other Reproductive Wellness with Traditional Chinese Medicine.  Licensed acupuncturist, received her medical degree from the Chinese Medicine University, Liaoning, China. Over the past fifteen years, Mary has practiced Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in China, Germany and the United States in both hospital and clinic settings. She has taught classes and seminars in various hospitals and universities.

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IgG Food Intolerances

Food intolerances can produce a wide variety of symptoms including fatigue, headaches, constipation, diarrhea, IBS, chronic respiratory infections, asthma, allergies, weight gain, irritability, and more.  With a simple blood draw, you can find out which foods are triggering a chronic immune response in your body.  Typical allergy tests look at the IgE mediated allergy response.  IgE mediated allergic reactions include wheezing, swelling, skin rashes, and anaphylaxis.  IgG reactions are chronic, low grade reactions to food in your daily diet.  Removing foods that you are sensitive to will lead to a variety of benefits for many people.  You may notice weight loss, increased energy, normal digestion, and significant improvements in your chronic health conditions.  


Breast Cancer Risk Testing

Researchers at Rockefeller University have found that the body metabolizes estrogens into several different metabolites that can impact cancer development.  This may help explain why some women are more susceptible to estrogen related cancers.  Estrogen is broken down into multiple metabolites.  One metabolite, 2-hydroxyestrone (2-OHE1), tends to inhibit cancer growth. Another, 16-a-hydroxyestrone (16-a-OHE1), actually encourages tumor development. Studies have shown that measuring the ratio of these two metabolites provides an important indication of risk for future development of estrogen-sensitive cancers. The ratio of these metabolites is modifiable with treatment.   Nutritional interventions can decrease long term risk. 


Individualized Optimal Nutrition Profile

The ION Profile is an individualized Optimal Nutrition Profile that measures fatty acids, vitamins, anti-oxidants, amino acids, and minerals.  This information can be used to analyze a variety of conditions.  

  • Heart disease:  Prevention by supplying deficient nutrients such as magnesium, taurine, carnitine, fatty acids, and other vital nutrients. 

  • Obesity:  Improve metabolism by replacing deficient nutrients.

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:  Find minerals, amino acids, and organic acids that are needed for proper mitochondrial function. 

  • Cancer: Often associated with nutritional deficiencies and wasting.

  • Immune deficiencies:  Find which nutrients are lacking and needed to support the immune system. 

  • Depression, Anxiety, and OCD:  Use amino acids and fatty acids to balance your chemistry.   Amino acids act as precursors to neurotransmitters in your brain.

  • ADHD and Behavioral Disorders:  Balance neurotransmitters  with their precursors.  

  • Multiple Chemical Sensitivities:  People with chemical sensitivities often have abnormal nutrient levels.   

Detoxification Capacity Profile

Saliva and urine are analyzed to see how well the liver breaks down toxins for excretion.  Based on laboratory results, individualized treatment programs can help with supplementing to reduce the effects of toxic exposure. 

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Neurotransmitter Testing

Neurotransmitters are responsible for the “chemical imbalances” seen in depression, anxiety, ADHD, OCD, bipolar disorder, and many other mental health conditions.  Neurotransmitters can be tested to find out which levels are out of balance.  Using amino acids as precursors, the neurotransmitter levels can be manipulated to move the brain back into balance.  This can provide symptomatic relief for many people with chronic mental health problems. 


Toxic Metal Testing

Heavy metals accumulate in the body over time.  Chronic exposure to mercury, lead, cadmium, beryllium, arsenic, and aluminum may go undetected.  These metals are stored in your fatty tissue and build up gradually.  A urine test can be used to detect the levels of these heavy metals stored in your body.  Many chronic conditions are exacerbated by high levels of heavy metals in the body.  Autoimmune conditions are particularly sensitive to environmental toxins.  Naturopathic Physicians are trained in environmental medicine to help you understand where exposure may be coming from and how to reduce the toxic metals in your body. 


Adrenal Function Testing

Chronic stress can lead to increased cortisol, decreased DHEA-S, or an abnormal cortisol DHEA-S ratio.  Stress can exacerbate man chronic health condition due to consistently high cortisol levels.  Cortisol elevation interferes with immune response and can be damaging to the brain.  Cortisol and DHEA affect carbohydrate, protein, and lipid metabolism.  They also moderate thyroid function.  An imbalance in cortisol can impact energy levels, emotions, and resistance to disease.  Cortisol secretion varies throughout the day.  It increase in the morning upon waking and gradually tapers throughout the day.  Chronic stress can interfere with the normal secretion of cortisol.  Stress overrides the negative feedback control of cortisol in the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenocortex Axis.  Over time, the ability to manage stress and relax may be impaired. 


DHEA is in intermediate in the synthesis of testosterone, estrone, and estradiol in the adrenal glands, ovaries, and testes.  Low DHEA-S is a sign that the production of estrogen and androgens is impaired. 

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Functional Intracellular Analysis

According to William Shive, PHD, 50% of those taking supplements will remain deficient.  The FIA test measures lymphocyte growth to diagnose functional intracellular deficiencies of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and anti-oxidants.


Organix:  Fatty acid metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism, energy production, B complex vitamin markers, methylation cofactor markers, neurotransmitter metabolism markers, oxidative damage and antioxidant markers, detoxification indicators, bacterial profile, test for clostridial species and yeast.   


Women’s Health Profile

 This combination of tests can be used to analyze fatigue, depression, insomnia, breast cancer, maintaining youth, reproductive health, cardiovascular health, mental and neurological health, and general health.  This comprehensive profile includes tests for

  • Metabolic Syndrome:  Tests for signs of insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, and high blood pressure. 

  • Assymetric demethylyarginine:  Regulates blood pressure and blood flow to organs.

  • Serum Lipid Peroxides:  Monitors the damage of oxidative stress on cardiovascular tissue.

  • Estrogen Metabolites:  Determines the ratio of “good” estrogens to “bad” estrogens to determine breast cancer risk.

  • Organix: Measures B vitamin levels, cellular energy, neural function, and detoxification.  

  • Fatty Acids:  Most Americans are deficient in fatty acids, leading to a multitude of chronic health problems

Salivary Hormone Testing

Standard hormonal testing gets a brief picture of the hormonal balance.  Hormones should be tested throughout the month with a simple saliva collection.  Progesterone, Estrogen, FSH, LH, and other cyclic hormones change throughout the month.  It is important to know not only the hormone levels, but also how they change over time.  Salivary hormone testing may be used for menstrual disorders, menopause, infertility, or even migraine headaches.   


Stool Analysis

Gastrointestinal health is important for digestion, nutrient use, and ridding the body of waste and pathogens.  Poor digestion and malabsorption lead to immunological disorders, nutritional problems, and other chronic diseases.  Further, poor digestive function can lead to food sensitivities.  Your digestive system should be colonized by beneficial bacteria.  For some, the microbial balance in their digestive tract is unhealthy.  GI effects testing uses DNA analysis to identify bacteria with 100% accuracy.   


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