Traditional Chinese Medicine
Acupuncture - Chinese Herbs - Moxibustion - Naturopathy

Mary Zhang, Chinese Medicine Clinic, Kansas City -- Mary Zhang, licensed acupuncturist and doctor of Chinese medicine, Kansas City Missouri, understands the importance of balance and harmony of the body, mind, and spirit. The founder of Chinese Medicine Clinic, Inc., she considers herself a life coach for patients. --  Specializing in Infertility and other Reproductive Wellness with Traditional Chinese Medicine.  Licensed acupuncturist, received her medical degree from the Chinese Medicine University, Liaoning, China. Over the past fifteen years, Mary has practiced Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in China, Germany and the United States in both hospital and clinic settings. She has taught classes and seminars in various hospitals and universities.

Healthy Choices, Positive Results



Complete Body Health Methodology

 9229 Ward Parkway, Suite 107
Kansas City, MO  64114
Phone: 816.361.8885
Fax: 816.523.3555

E-mail Mary Zhang

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Brief History

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) history dates back more than 2,000 years. This art has been continuously developed through the administering practice of doctors. Today, there are many hospitals in China that exclusively practice Traditional Chinese Medicine while others combine Eastern and Western healing methods. Scientific research in many countries including China, Japan, Europe, Australia, and North America, is supporting further verification of the effectiveness of TCM approaches. The World Health Organization recognizes the ability of Traditional Chinese Medicine to aid healing in many diseases.


Traditional Chinese Medicine not only alleviates symptoms, but also
directs its attention to treating the underlying causes of disease.


Diagnosis & Traditional Chinese Medicine
When making a diagnosis, doctors of TCM are aware of the whole person. They focus on both physical and psychological characteristics as key signs of health and disease.  Tongue and pulse diagnoses, coupled with a detailed history of signs and symptoms are also used in evaluation. In turn, the physician pieces together a pattern of conflict which is used to formulate a diagnosis.  He then formulates a treatment specifically to the individual.  TCM not only alleviates symptoms, but also directs its attention to treating the underlying causes of disease. In concert, this helps the body, mind and spirit back to a balanced state.

Disciplines of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Though the general public often categorizes acupuncture as being the same as Chinese medicine.  Acupuncture, however, it is but one part within the many aspects Traditional Chinese Medicine which include:


  • Acupuncture

  • Moxibustion

  • Cupping

  • Herbology

  • Massage

  • Diet Therapy

  • Therapeutic exercise